St Ann’s/Faith Lutheran Essentials Pantry

The Pantry serves all those in need in the Windham area.  We are a ministry of Christian hospitality and service to the community. Enter the pantry through the lower side door and we provide you with a bag of cleaning products and personal hygiene products provided by parishioners, local businesses, and benevolent organizations in the Greater Windham area.

For those wishing to donate: Monetary donations are appreciated and easier than bringing items to church. Monetary donations allow us to get client requests, give out food gift cards at Thanksgiving,  Christmas and Easter and keep our standard staple items current. If giving by check write “Pantry” in the memo field.  Beginning in September those wishing to donate cash can do so using envelopes available in the Narthex and putting them in the collection.

The pantry DOES NOT ACCEPT CLOTHING ITEMS (these can, however,  be put in the drop box in the upper parking lot).