Your support is always welcome here at St Ann’s. We have numerous opportunities and activities that need volunteers to make them work. Please note that time commitments vary, and you should not assume that if your area of interest is active every month, for example, that you would have to participate every month. The chairperson or leader can provide information. Contact phone information can be obtained from the office at 892-8447.
Liturgy & Sunday Help
Acolytes – Acolytes serve at our services. The acolyte guild provides training and
scheduling, and recognition for service. Youth to adults. (contact: Deacon Lisle
or Jill Laken)
Altar Service – Altar servers are trained to help with communion, teens to adults
(contact: Deacon Lisle)
Altar Guild – Prepares the altar for services and secures the altar after
services. (contact: Becky Carr)
Coffee Hour – Bring some goodies, make a serve coffee/tea after both the 8am
(contact: Peggy Perks) and 10am services (contact: Renee Chervenak)
Greeters – Before the service, offer hospitality, a loving welcome, hand-out
leaflets…bring up the gifts (contact: Mary Ann Moeri)
Healing Team – Offers prayers for healing at Communion time at both Sunday services
(contact: Patty Bruce)
Pastoral Care Committee – Coordinates assistance, prayer and Communion for
home-bound parishioners. (contact Deacon Lisle)
Prayer & Care
Prayer Chain – Requests initiated by our Priest or Deacon and are given by
a cadre of parishioners. Teens to adults. (contact: Micky Johnson)
Love in Action – Sends cards for birthdays and anniversaries and notes when
someone is in need of encouragement. (contact: Teri Maloney-Kelly)
Welcoming Committee – Makes newcomers feel warmly welcome and helps them
link up with parish resources and being a friend to all. Year-round. (Jules Bailey)
Youth Oriented
Nursery – Watch over youngest kiddos during 10am service year-round. Teens to
adults. Must participate in Safe Church training. (contact Deacon Lisle)
Christmas Fair – Assist with designing and delivering the annual Christmas Fair in
December. Coordinating committee starts in the spring. Volunteers start in Sept.
(contact Gerry Ross or Diane O’Neil)
Golf Scramble – Designs and delivers the annual Golf Scramble in May. (contact Diane O’Neil)
Back to School Supplies – School supplies (and sometimes backpacks) are
donated by the congregation in August. (contact Emily Hinman)
Christmas Stockings – For needy kids in RSU-14 grades K-8. Outreach provides
stockings and church members fill them. (contact Molly Case)
Community Meal – Help set up, serve, and take down once a month on a
Thursday St. Ann’s hosts and facilitates the meal. (contact Cindy Beaulieu)
Essentials Pantry – The team provides monthly access to our essentials pantry
(limited food, cleaning and personal hygiene products) to folks in need, stocked
through items donated by the congregation. (contact Hal Fournier)
Outreach Committee – Meets quarterly. Budgets where various funds will be
spent. (contact Kim Wallace or Lisa Defosse)
Keeping the Wheels Greased
Communications – Assist with maintaining an updated website and Facebook
presence for the Parish, video services, develop and release various printed pieces.
(contact Brad Rounds)
Finance Committee- Reviews finances & prepares a proposed annual budget for
the Vestry. (contact Mark Begley)
Memorial Garden Committee – Maintains a current garden plot plan and
coordinates with volunteers for plot openings and closures. (contact Dick Rozene )
Stewardship Committee – Responsible for designing, executing, and follow-up for
the annual stewardship canvass, September thru January. (contact Brian Butler)