Middle and high school youth participate in youth groups designed to meet the unique spiritual needs of tweens and teens. Our programs use Bible stories as vehicles for understanding many of our human experiences, including joy, betrayal, death, new life, confusion, faith and many more. Youth are invited to share their personal insights within the group, and great care is taken to create a strong sense of community and support amongst youth and their adult leaders. Middle school youth use the Connect curriculum, and the high school youth group uses an emergent curriculum whereby adult leaders develop materials and activities to support student needs and interests in an ongoing and emerging way.
Both middle and high school youth groups participate in class on Sunday mornings, but are also engaged in a host of experiences in church. Youth acolyte, teach Sunday school, serve at coffee hour, participate in Vestry, maintain the community garden and contribute to many events like our annual 5K road race, Christmas Fair, Vacation Bible Camp, and more. Youth at St. Ann’s also participate actively in community service opportunities to support those in need, and fellowship events to foster friendships and have fun!
Beyond our parish, youth also engage fully in Diocesan youth events, joining with teens from around the state in creating new worship experiences and long-lasting friendships. Two events are held each year for high school and middle school respectively. For more information about youth retreats in the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, click here.
Confirmation classes are offered to 7th and 8th grade students every other year, through which youth who choose may become adult members of the church, confirming their baptism. We currently use the book My Faith, My Life, by Jennifer Gamber, to support youth in deeply examining their baptismal promises, and living out their Christian calling. Confirmation participants participate in monthly classes, community service, meetings with adult members of the church, and finally a weekend retreat in the spring. Please click here to learn more about the program.